AN/ALR-67 RWR Radar Waning Receiver

1. Radar Warning System

1.2. EW Page

The EW page (Electronic Warfare) has already been used intensively in the configuration of the countermeasures.
It also reflects the radar sources displayed at the RWR display.
In addition to the alphanumeric codes, the type of radar source is represented by a surrounding icon.
In Slysi's Western RWR Kneeboard the icons are explained in detail:

Slysi's Western RWR Kneeboard, DCS User Files, freeware

The EW page is still under development and will be extended and changed prior to the release of the full F/A-18C DCS module!
Some of the features are still missing. We will extend the description of these here later.

The status of the ASPJ (Airborne Self Protection Jammer) is displayed at the very top below the upper PBs.
Since the system has not yet been implemented in Early Access, OFF is always displayed here. Changes to its settings are not yet possible.

Second, the status of the ALR-67 radar warning system is displayed. Again, no settings can be changed.

The use of the ALE-47 and the corresponding keys have already been discussed.

Below this there are indicators for the number of countermeasures loaded. However, these are only displayed if ALE-47 is activated and is not in BYPASS mode.

  • C - Chaff
  • F - Flares
  • O2 & O1 stand for GEN-X Decoys, but they also, are not yet implemented.

EW page on DDI, image from kaltokri, in the public domain