F/A-18C Hornet, © 1991-2019, The Fighter Collection & Eagle Dynamics, Inc.The Hornet in DCS is the culmination of more than 40 man-years of intensive research, technology development, visual creation and groundbreaking programming. The Hornet is DCS World's first true multi-purpose combat aircraft in the virtual skies, with impressive capabilities for both air combat and air-to-ground operations.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet is initially published as Early Access. As in real life where any new aircraft initially enters service with quite a limited capability.  It is then progressively developed and the variety of weapons it is capable of deploying is expanded throughout its serve life.  In DCS it is the same as throughout the early access phase features will be developed, such as the sensors, weapons and subsystems of the Hornet.

The DCS: F/A-18C Hornet is initially only available in the open beta version of DCS World.

Course Type: Basic-Line

Course Objective: Regulated flight operations from system start to shutdown after the flight.

Topics / Contents:

  • Necessary settings for control and assistance systems
  • Technical data and key figures for flight operations
  • Cockpit instruction and basics of operation
  • Start Up Procedure and Start Up
  • Flying of the flight characteristics, Airfield pattern, Touch & Go
  • Landing and parking (shutdown procedure)

Course Requirements: None

Status: Open BETA. Help us improve this course.

Course Type: Basic-Line

Course Objective: Use of simple weapon systems

Topics / Contents:

  • Use of the aircraft's cannon
  • Use of unguided rockets
  • Use of unguided bombs
  • Use of the sidewinder
  • Countermeasures

Course Requirements:
Knowledge from the Aircraft Basic Course.

Status: Open BETA. Help us to improve this course.

Course Type: Advanced-Line

Course Objective: Deepening of flight operations in the area of basic navigation.

Degree of Difficulty: Medium


  • Cockpit in Detail
  • The Sensors of the F/A-18C
  • Standardized Procedures
  • Autopilots, Radio and Navigation

Course Requirements: 
User Registration, Knowledge from the Basic Course

Status: This course is currently being created, do you want to help? Then get in touch with us.

Course Type: Advanced Line

Course Objective: Use of complex weapon systems

Topics / Content:

Use unguided bombs in AUTO Mode
Use of guided missiles (AGM-65, AGM-84D & AGM-88)
Use of guided bombs (JDAM, JSOW & AGM-62)
Use of air-to-air radar and guided missile radar (AIM-7 & AIM-120)
Further countermeasures, the helmet visor u. v. m.

Course Requirements: User registration, knowledge from the basic weapons and advanced course.

Status: This course is being created, would you like to help? Then get in touch with us.