In parallel to our eLearning content here on our website, we offer different forms of tutor led learning units. These include Trainings, Workshops and Courses. An explanation of how the above types differ can be found in this -> article <-. Please read it carefully!

We handle this type of training via our Discord server. There is an #enrollment channel where you can sign up for various offers. Please read the linked descriptions of the various offers carefully. If you have any questions, please ask them in the #dcs-en channel.

As soon as you have registered for an offer, a new chat channel will be activated for you. Please send a welcome message there, so that we can consider you when organizing the next group.

Type: Training, workshops and courses

Course Objective: Establishment of an OFS aerobatics team

Topics / Contents

  • Basics aerobatics theory
  • Preparation on the ground
  • Joint takeoff
  • Practical exercises on the wing
  • Change of position in flight and fast closing into formation
  • Landing together
  • Working out displays
  • Many repetitions
  • Building "muscle memory" and improving eye-hand coordination

Course Requirements:  Login to Discord

Type: Training

Objective:Collaborative familiarization with the F-15E

Topics / Contents

  • Basics
  • Aerodynamics and flight behaviour
  • Navigation
  • Flight and emergency procedures
  • Air Refuelling and Air to Air Combat Basics
  • Basics Air/Ground Combat

Course Requirements: User registration & login to Discord

Type: Training

Course Objective: Regulated flight operations from system start-up to post-flight shutdown.

Topics / Contents:

  • Necessary settings for the controls
  • Cockpit briefing and basics of operation
  • Start-up procedure and take-off
  • Flying the flight characteristics, aerodrome circling, touch & go
  • Landing and parking (shutdown procedure)

Course Requirements: User registration & login to Discord

The TF-51 is included in the free version of DCS-World.

Type: Training

Course Objective:Everything about the F-14 in a compact form

Topics / Contents

  • Basics
  • Aerodynamics and flight behaviour
  • Navigation and Jester
  • Flight and emergency procedures
  • Air Refuelling and Air to Air Combat Basics
  • Basics Air/Ground Combat
  • Carrier OPS Basics

Course Requirements: User registration & login to Discord

Type: Training

Course Objective: Everything about the choppers in a compact form

Topics / Contents

  • Basics
  • Aerodynamics and flight behaviour
  • Flight and emergency procedures
  • Weapon employment

Course Requirements:  Login to Discord

Type: Workshop

Course Objective: Everything about BFM with jets compact form

Topics / Contents

  • Aircraft performance
  • Basic Principles in Dogfighting and Terminology
  • Advanced BFM techniques
  • Excursion: High Altitude Fighting (theory and practice)
  • Aerial Gunnery and Weapon Deployment

Course Requirements: User registration, login to Discord amd completed training up to basic weapons course (F/A-18C or F-16C).