Topic outline

  • General Information

    Im Aufbau

    This website is under construction.  We ask potential students to check our Discord. The first tutor-led courses are offered there. 

    Volunteers who want to help us with the creation of the course or who want to volunteer as a tutor, please contact kaltokri here or in the Discord-Server!

  • Welcome

    U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kayla Newman [Public domain]

    Welcome to OFS (Open Flight School).

    We have made it our task to impart knowledge through courses on various flight simulations and various aircraft.  This is done by means of theory for self-study and with many tips and tricks from practice and is intended for beginners as well as for advanced pilots.  The whole thing is rounded off by additional practical lessons, which are carried out by our tutors in small groups or in individual lessons, depending on requirements.  

    Our wish is, among other things, to reunite the community of Sim pilots more and to enable a uniform flight training, similar to the JFS (Jagdfliegerschule) had already successfully practiced during the "IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946" times.  

    Each well trained pilot in multiplayer mode can enrichment the experience for all other pilots around them and has, for themselves, a more successful and fun flying experience.

  • Legal and Code of Conduct


    Since we operate on the internet and thus in the public domain, certain legal framework conditions must also be observed.  If you would like to participate in the OFS, you agree to these conditions.  

    As in every community, it makes sense to maintain certain manners and to categorically reject particularly inappropriate behaviour.  We have summarized the most important points here with a few examples and hope to make our point clear.  

    What we do not want to hear, what we do not want to see and what behaviour we will not tolerate in general is stated in our Code of Conduct.  

    In addition, we reserve the right to judge each and every situation individually according to good manners and ways in which one should behave and to draw appropriate conclusions from this.  Nobody is against fun or a joke, but there are limits and we want to spend our free time pleasantly and constructively.  

  • Organisation


    The website and the whole project are a pure leisure project of enthusiastic Flt Sim fans for other Flt Sim fans. Not everyone involved has the time to be available all the time be contacted. Our, and your professional and private life will always have priority.

    Nevertheless, we would like to name a few global contacts who can serve as contact points for questions and problems concerning the OFS. For each course you will find the trainers responsible for the content listed by name in the first chapter and, alternatively after logging in, via the participant list of the course (right side in the menu). Simply set the filter to Trainer or Manager and you will find the person responsible for this course.

    These members of the OFS are usually quite active and you are welcome to contact them directly via the website. Their name is always linked to the OFS member's profile page and there you have the option to send them a message and to add them to your contact list.

    Another point of access is our Teamspeak server. We publish the access data in the Dashboard, which every registered user sees immediately after login, and can be considered as the center of the website.

  • And What Good Will it do Me if I Take Classes Here?

    Arpingstone on en.wikipedia - Taken by Adrian Pingstone at Kemble Airfield, Gloucestershire, England in June 2004 and released to the public domain

    It's very simple. You learn something new. Everything from one source, no searching for tutorials that are available in English, Russian or German or even do not exist at all. Everything is based on each other and logical in itself. Everyone can read the necessary theory, how, where and when he likes or has time. Even practical parts can often be practiced in singleplayer mode. Download the mission and off you go. Even at three or in the morning, when no one else has time except you. Certain practical lessons and also some examination flights for the more demanding courses are only possible in multiplayer mode. This is subject to admission requirements, and thus ensures that each participant has the necessary prior knowledge and that no-one holds up the rest of the group.

    A very important aspect, however, is that you learn and consolidate procedures, procedures and behaviors that are recognized and valued in multiplayer mode or among online squadrons because they are simply meaningful, fair and successful. If, for example, everyone were to stick to a reasonable course, it would be much easier for everyone on an online server.

    Why are we doing all this?

    Because we enjoy imparting knowledge to others and helping them. Many games today are so extensive and simulated down to small details that you can no longer consider these as games. An airplane like the Boeing 737, or a propeller airplane from the WW II, are not easily started with a push of a button. Good pilots also need a good training, easy to understand, comprehensible, as a hobby, yes; but nevertheless with a necessary grasp of realism. Besides, you get to know interesting people in the practical parts of the individual courses. The concept of community is one of our reasons to organize all this here. In the end, everyone benefits from having great experiences together.

    Lust to participate?

    Of course we are always looking for enthusiastic and capable people to participate. Creating courses, managing courses, gathering knowledge and learning something by yourself is a lot of work. But it is also a lot of fun if you can pass on your knowledge to others in the end. But even if one does not participate actively, one can contribute to the success, by passing on your experience, thus giving other pilots the opportunity to engage themselves with OFS and also profit from our courses.

    • Your Next Steps


      Now that you have received an overview of the OFS, you may want to look at the available courses.  Below you will find an article describing how we structure the courses and how we build the different courses onto each other.  Via the right menu (Courses) or as a registered user via the menu bar at the top (Supported Games) you can easily get to the course overview and browse through the actual courses OFS offer.  

      We are in the process of creating some trial courses (WIP) in addition to the actual courses, which can also be viewed and used by non-registered users.  Of course, the progress indicator and the issue of awards will not work if unregistered.  But it is good to form an opinion about whether you should register, or not.  In the next section you will find an overview of the already available trial courses.  

      In addition, it would of course be advisable to register and become familiar with the extended use of the website.  If you have any questions, please get in touch with those listed in Contacts.