
Information where to download the MB-339 MOD, how to install it and information on setup and usage.

4. ModelViewer2

DCS includes a tool to display all models, cockpits and weapons that are included in the game. It is called ModelViewer2 and it is located in the bin subfolder.

This page is only interesting for people who want to view the MB-339 in ModelViewer2. If you don't want to, you can simply skip the description.

If you view the MB-339 in ModelViewer2 it unfortunately looks like this at first:

Missing textures, Picture from kaltokri, Public Domain

This is because the textures cannot be loaded. To fix this open the following file with a good text editor (e.g. Notepad++):

DCS World\Config\ModelViewer\autoexec.lua

Insert the two lines marked in red. You must adjust the path so that it fits your environment.

print("scan for textures and liveries")
scan_for_textures("C:\\Users\\kaltokri\\Saved Games\\DCS.openbeta\\Mods")
scan_for_textures("C:\\Users\\kaltokri\\Saved Games\\DCS.openbeta\\Liveries")
print("scan done")

After that it should work and look like this:

With textures, Picture from kaltokri, Public Domain