Further Sources of Information

1. Manuals


The first information medium is of course the manual of the DCS module. It is available in different languages as a PDF file. Some people don't find it, because it is not easily linked in the start menu. But it is located in the following folder on your hard disk:


Please keep in mind that the manual for modules in Early Access may not be complete and will be updated again and again in the course of further development. This means that if you like to copy the files to your tablet like I do, you should check it from time to time to see if the file size has changed.

Sometimes it makes sense to have the German and English version at hand in parallel. Most of it is easier to read in German. But there are also sections that are easier to understand in English.

Chuck's Guides

The instructions of Charly_Owl (Chuck's Guides) from the DCS-Forum summarize the most important things. Therefore they are very popular. Unfortunately they are only available in English:



Hoggit is an English speaking community for DCS and BMS. It consists of a discussion group, a discord, a wiki and so on.

wiki.hoggitworld.com F/A-18C