The Airfield: Structure, Traffic Rules and Procedures

2. Airport Procedures

2.3. Ground Taxi


Topic: Speed, WEg distance, changed distance due to unforeseeable events, stop instruction, light guidance

Some Notes by Gosling Speed - Fast walking pace 15km/hr max

WEg Distance - ???? What is that? Wing Distance?

Unforeseeable events - Give a good separation

Stop instruction - Hold before any runway and look into the approach direction before linking up or crossing. (I say out loud “Clear on approach, threshold, runway and depature lane” every time I line up)

Light Guidence - Use Position Lights, Red Anti-col and Taxi / Landing Lights.

Tail Wheel Aircraft should zigzag while taxiing

USN (F-18 etc) Taxi Policy - Taxi in Left or Right half of taxiway. Subsequent aircraft taxi in alternate halves.

Braking - In WWII aircraft, with differential brakes, the braking power is reduced by half if the rudder pedals are displaced. Braking in a straight line is the most effective.

USN (F-18 etc) Hold Policy - Hold at 45 degrees to the taxiway to allow more aircraft to fit in at the hold.