The Airfield: Structure, Traffic Rules and Procedures

2. Airport Procedures

In Chapter one we have taken a rough look at the structure of an airfield/airport and here in Chapter two we want to take a closer look at individual airfield procedures and explain the background why certain things are done in a particular way and not differently.
In the cockpit pilots have to observe the technical specification of their respective aircraft; making the selections at the right time to operate the aircraft correctly. This is primarily internal to the cockpit and so is a separate topic. We will go into the theory of cockpit procedures later in more detail within the course for each aircraft. However, there are standard airfield procedures and rules of conduct that are the same for all aircraft at every airfield to ensure safe operation of the airport for all users.

What are standardised procedures good for? By following standard procedures every pilot’s behaviour becomes predictable and safe, minimising confusion between aircraft at the airfield.