Vertical Display Indicator (dt.: vertikale Displayanzeige)
Das VDI zeigt Lage- und Waffendaten an.
Weiterführende Informationen:
Visual Flight Rules
Additional Information:
Very High Frequency
The Vikhr is a Russian laser guided anti-tank missile.
Further Information:
VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range - Omnidirectional Radio Beacon which allows the pilot to determine his position in relation to the beacon, i.e. the radial of the VOR, via a display unit (RMI, HSI, etc.) in the cockpit.
Further Information: Wikipedia
Vertical Speed Indicator
A Variometer, which is a barometer that has a controlled leak so that it measures rate of climb or descent.
See also: RCDI
Velocity Vector (dt.: Geschwindigkeitsvektor)
Der VV im HUD zeigt an, wohin sich das Flugzeug bewegt.