I |
IAF | |||
Initial Approach Fix A waypoint at which the standard approach procedure to an airfield starts. Additional Information: | |||
ICAO | |||
IFEI | |||
Integrated Fuel / Engine Indicator Functionality:
Further information:
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IFF | |||
IFFCC | |||
Intgrated Flight and Fire Control Computer (dt.: Integriertes Flug- und Feuerkontroll-System) Da eine Abhängigkeit zwischen IFFCC und HUD bwesteht, schaltet man beim Einschalten des IFFCC automatisch das HUD mit ein. Weiterführende Informationen:
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IFR | |||
ILS | |||
Instrument landing system. Radio navigation installation at the runway to provide runway centerline and glideslope guidance to aircraft operating under IFR | |||
IPAS | |||
(AH-64D Apache) Integrated Pressurized Air System The IPAS provides pressurized air to aircraft pneumatic systems. Bleed air is drawn from two ports: a high-pressure port is exclusively used to pressurize the hydraulic systems, and a low-pressure port is used by all other consumers. Low-pressure air is used by the engine air turbine starters, fuel boost and transfer pumps, anti-ice system, ice detection probe, nitrogen inerting unit, vapor cycle cooling system, and environmental control system. IPAS bleed air can be provided by one or both engines, the APU, or an external source such as an AGPU. | |||
ISA | |||