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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 23 August 2020, 9:50 PM

Flight Control System

The Flight Control System includes:

  • Primary flight control surfaces - ailerons, twin rudders, differential/collective leading edge flaps, differential/collective trailing edge flaps and differential/ collective stabilators
  • The controls - stick, rudder pedals, flap elector switch.  
  • Flight Control Computers - Two duplicate computers, A and B
  • Hydraulic Actuators operated by dual Hydraulic Systems
  • Electrical and Mechanical backup controls.  

Further information:

  • F/A-18C Hornet Basic Course (DCS) / Cockpit briefing / Cockpit overview/ LK

Picture of [OFS] Gosling (en) / Jerry


by [OFS] Gosling (en) / Jerry - Friday, 25 September 2020, 6:30 PM

Fuel, Engine, Electrics, Location

A method of ensuring the aircraft has sufficient fuel for the task, is operating correctly and that you know where you are. 

All Aircraft

FUEL - Check the quantity against the expected quantity at that stage of the flight.  Consider this as an amount up or down and compare that to the wind you have experienced so far.  Also ensure that the fuel tanks are in balance and correct with fuel transfer if needed.  

ENGINE - Check the engine instruments for any fluctuations or unusual readings.  

ELECTRICS - Check the generator is providing charge to the battery.  

LOCATION - Check your location is as you expect and you know where the nearest air station is in the case of an emergency.  

Modern Aircraft

The additional systems of a modern aircraft often require a little more than just the above FEEL.  Consider this as FEEL+ and can include things like:

HYDRAULICS - Check the Temperature and Pressure

OXYGEN - Check the contents, flow and pressure

CABIN - Check the Pressurisation and Temperature

Combat Situations

Again, Combat situations may require further checks, see Fence In and Fence Out


These checks should be conducted about every 20 mins (as a minimum after each 30 mins) or after each change of altitude or turning point of a navigation exercise.


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Fuel Flow (dt.: Kraftstoffdurchfluss)

Weiterführende Informationen:

  • A-10C Warthog Basiskurs (DCS) / Cockpiteinweisung / Cockpitübersicht VI-R
  • F-14 Tomcat Piloten-Basiskurs (DCS) / Cockpiteinweisung / Cockpitübersicht KKL
  • F/A-18C Hornet Basiskurs (DCS) / Cockpiteinweisung / Cockpitübersicht VI-L

Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Wednesday, 26 August 2020, 9:20 AM

Forward Looking Infrared


A camera operating in the Infrared spectrum. Able to display heat images and so give a thermal representation of the viewed scene.  Often in a flight wing/fuselage pod. can be slewed from the cockpit. Function can include zoom, tracking, black or white hot etc. 

Further information:


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Frequency Modulation

Additional Information:


Picture of rufuz


by rufuz - Saturday, 30 April 2022, 6:51 PM

(AH-64D Apache) Flight Management Computer

The FMC provides rate damping to smooth flight control inputs and command augmentation. It also provides limited attitude and altitude hold capability for hands-off flying.


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

steht für Foreign Object Debris (dt. Beschädigung durch Fremdkörper).

Weiter Infos:


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Wednesday, 23 December 2020, 10:44 PM

Der Begriff FRAGO ist die Kurzform von Fragmentary Order und kann mit Einsatzbefehl, Ergänzungsbefehl oder Zusatzbefehl übersetzt werden. Damit wird eine Einheit über abweichende oder ergänzende Befehle zur OPORD (Operation Order) informiert. Es kann zum Beispiel kurz vor oder während einer Mission passieren, dass sich die Situation ändert und die Befehle der OPORD angepasst werden müssen. Der Befehlshaber gibt dann eine FRAGO heraus. Diese hat das selbe Format wie die OPORD, enthält aber nur die Abweichungen.

Weitere Informationen:


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf

Frecce Tricolori

by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:51 PM

”Tricolour Arrows”

Aerobatic Squadron of the Italian Air Force (Italian for "Tricoloured Arrows"). 

Flies the Aeromacchi MB-339 PAN.


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 14 June 2020, 9:11 PM

Fuel System Control Panel (dt.: Treibstoffkontrollpanel)

Das FSCP beinhaltet u.a. die Schalter zum Starten der APU und der Triebwerke.

Weiterführende Informationen:

  • A-10C Warthog Basiskurs (DCS) / Cockpiteinweisung / Cockpitübersicht / LK