C |
CAS | |||
Close Air Support is a mission type where ground units are supported by friendly air units that attack and destroy enemy ground units. Additional Information: | |||
CAVOC | |||
CAVOK ist eine Abkürzung für Clouds And Visibility OK (zu deutsch Wolken und Sicht in Ordnung). Diese Abkürzung für eine Wetterbeschreibung wird in der Luffahrt verwendet. Damit werden gute Bedingungen für den Sichtflug ohne Einschränkungen gemeldet.Der Begriff wird unter anderem in ATIS-Meldungen, bei Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) und Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) verwendet. Weitere Informationen: | |||
CCIP | |||
Continuously Computed Impact Point. This is a calculated visual drop mode with manual weapon release. This mode allows a high degree of flexibility as the point on the ground where the weapon will hit is continuously indicated by a CCIP crosshair on the HUD. It is not necessary to lock the target. Simply put; bring the thing over the thing and drop the bomb. Source: DCS FA-18C Early Access Guide.pdf Additional Information: | |||
CCRP | |||
Continuously Computed Release Point. This is a calculated visual drop mode with manual or automatic weapon release. This mode allows the bomb to be dropped without loss of height as the point on the ground where the weapon will hit is continuously calculated and the HUD indicates when the weapon must be released. This is done by designating the target. Additional Information: | |||
CDU | |||
Charlie | |||
Charlie Time The planned landing time on a vessel. Often also used for landing ashore. Usually the expected end of the sortie. | |||
Chicken | |||
Chicken Fuel The minimum fuel required to continue the route as planned. | |||
CICU | |||
Central Interface Control Unit (dt.:Zentrale Interface Kontrolleinheit) Weiterführende Informationen:
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Clock Code | |||
Clock Code This has two meanings depending upon its application. Lookout - When applied to Lookout, Clock Code is a method of identifying an azimuth direction from the aircraft. Directions from the aircraft begin from 12 O’clock being directly ahead with 6 O’clock being directly astern. E.g. 4 O’clock indicates a direction past the abeam on the right side of the aircraft. Drift - When applied to Drift, Clock Code is a method of mental arithmetic to estimate the Sin() function. The difference between the wind direction and the aircraft‘s flight path is compared to minutes of a clock. The resulting potion of the hour is the portion of Max Drift to be used to estimate the angular correction to make to offset the aircraft‘s heading and so allow for drift, thus keeping the aircraft on track. E.g. 30˚ implies 30 minutes which is half an hour and so half the Max Drift should be applied towards the wind for the aircraft to maintain the desired track. | |||
CLP | |||
Caution Light Panel (dt.: Warnlichttafel) Weiterführende Informationen:
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