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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Wednesday, 23 December 2020, 10:44 PM

Der Begriff FRAGO ist die Kurzform von Fragmentary Order und kann mit Einsatzbefehl, Ergänzungsbefehl oder Zusatzbefehl übersetzt werden. Damit wird eine Einheit über abweichende oder ergänzende Befehle zur OPORD (Operation Order) informiert. Es kann zum Beispiel kurz vor oder während einer Mission passieren, dass sich die Situation ändert und die Befehle der OPORD angepasst werden müssen. Der Befehlshaber gibt dann eine FRAGO heraus. Diese hat das selbe Format wie die OPORD, enthält aber nur die Abweichungen.

Weitere Informationen:


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf

Frecce Tricolori

by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:51 PM

”Tricolour Arrows”

Aerobatic Squadron of the Italian Air Force (Italian for "Tricoloured Arrows"). 

Flies the Aeromacchi MB-339 PAN.


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 14 June 2020, 9:11 PM

Fuel System Control Panel (dt.: Treibstoffkontrollpanel)

Das FSCP beinhaltet u.a. die Schalter zum Starten der APU und der Triebwerke.

Weiterführende Informationen:

  • A-10C Warthog Basiskurs (DCS) / Cockpiteinweisung / Cockpitübersicht / LK


Picture of rufuz


by rufuz - Saturday, 30 April 2022, 6:51 PM

(AH-64D Apache) Generator Control Unit

AC power is provided by two brushless, air-cooled generators. Each generator outputs 45 kVA three-phase four-wire power at 115 or 200 volts and 400 Hz. Each generator has its own Generator Control Unit. A single generator is capable of handling full flight loads without shedding. The generators are mounted to the transmission accessory gearbox.


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Глоба́льная навигацио́нная спу́тниковая спу́тниковая систе́ма (Globalnaja nawigazionnaja sputnikowaja sistema) (Global Satellite Navigation System) is the Russian version of the US GPS.

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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Global Positioning System (dt.: Globales Positionsbestimmungssystem)

Dies ist ein globales Navigationssatellitensystem zur Positionsbestimmung.

Weiterführende Informationen:



Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 10:05 PM

HARM steht für High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missle (dt.: Hochgeschwindigkeits-Anti-Radar-Rakete).

Ein Beispiel ist die AGM-88 HARM, welche bei der F/A-18C verwendet werden kann.

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Picture of [OFS] Gosling (en) / Jerry


by [OFS] Gosling (en) / Jerry - Friday, 25 September 2020, 6:30 PM

Heading, Altitude, Time

A method of conducting a turn at a waypoint during navigation.  This occurs twice, Before the turning point is the Pre-HAT and after the turning point is the Post-HAT


HEADING - Having seen the turning point (or planning to turn on time) Check the next heading from your navigation plan.  Adjust this heading for drift using Max Drift and Clock Code.  

ALTITUDE - Check if there is a required change of altitude for the next leg and the associated Safety Altitude.  

TIME - If running individual leg timing, reset the clock.  If running continuous timing for the route, note the time at the waypoint.  

At the waypoint, Restart the clock (if required), Lookout and Turn....  JUST Lookout and Turn until rolling out on heading.  Do NOTHING else.


HEADING - After rolling out, check you have rolled out on your wind adjusted heading.  

ALTITUDE - Adjust your altitude for the next leg.  

TIME - Ensure the clock is running or if you forgot to note the time at the waypoint take the time now and add a few second for the turn.  



Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Mission type High Value Asset Protection Combat Air Patrol: A/A mission designed to protect Aircraft like Tankers or AWACS.


Picture of [OFS] Gosling (en) / Jerry


by [OFS] Gosling (en) / Jerry - Thursday, 7 January 2021, 12:21 AM

This is "Attitude, Power, Trim" in English - See APT


Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Hands on Throttle and Stick

HOTAS is the name for a control concept to increase flight safety, in which all control elements essential for flight performance are mounted on the Control stick and the Throttle.

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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:37 PM

Horizontal Situation Display Indicator (dt.: horizontale Situationsanzeige)

Das HSD zeigt Navigationsdaten für den Piloten an. Es kann auch zur Spiegelung des TID des RIO's verwendet werden.

Weiterführende Informationen:

  • F-14 Tomcat Piloten-Basiskurs (DCS) / Cockpiteinweisung / Cockpitübersicht / MK

Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Horizontal Situation Indicator

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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Head Up Display

A display device to project information into the pilot's field of view so that he can simultaneously keep an eye on the surroundings outside the aircraft / helicopter when reading.

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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Initial Approach Fix

A waypoint at which the standard approach procedure to an airfield starts.

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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

International Civil Aviation Organization

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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 23 August 2020, 9:50 PM

Integrated Fuel / Engine Indicator


  • Engine - RPM, EGT
  • Fuel Quantities - Total, Internal, Wing Tanks, Drop Tanks, Bingo Setting
  • Time - Date, Time Zone and Time Setting, Stop Watch, Elapsed Time. 

Further information:

  • F/A-18C Hornet basic course (DCS) / cockpit instruction / Cockpit overview / VI-L

Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Identification Friend or Foe

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Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 14 June 2020, 9:11 PM

Intgrated Flight and Fire Control Computer (dt.: Integriertes Flug- und Feuerkontroll-System)

Da eine Abhängigkeit zwischen IFFCC und HUD bwesteht, schaltet man beim Einschalten des IFFCC automatisch das HUD mit ein.

Weiterführende Informationen:

  • A-10C Warthog Basiskurs (DCS) / Cockpiteinweisung / Cockpitübersicht / VI-L

Picture of [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf


by [OFS] kaltokri / Rolf - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 9:54 PM

Instrument Flight Rules

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