S |
SAI | |||
SAM | |||
SAM steht für Surface to Air Missle (dt. Boden-Luft-Rakete oder Flugabwehrrakete). Weiter Informationen:
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SARI | |||
SAS | |||
Stability Augmentation System (dt.: Stabilisierungssystem) Weiterführende Informationen:
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SCAS | |||
(AH-64D Apache) Stability and Control Augmentation System Hydraulic augmentation, which consists of hydraulic actuators controlled by the FMC. The command augmentation system provides consistent control feel across the full range of helicopter airspeeds. The SCAS also provides automatic turn coordination for turns above 40 knots airspeed. | |||
SEAD | |||
SEAD steht für Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (dt. Unterdrückung feindlicher Luftabwehr) Weitere Informationen:
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Shkval | |||
The I-251 "Shkval" is the electro-optical target system of the KA-50. The image is displayed on a monitor in the middle of the front panel. Further Information: KA-50 Black Shark Basic Course (DCS) / Cockpit Instruction / Cockpit Overview / FP | |||
SMS | |||
Stores Management System The Stores Management System is accessed through a DDI page and allows the control of loaded external stores on the aircraft. It displays a lot of information about the loaded weapon system and allows various parameters of those weapons to be modified in preparation for release. | |||
STAB AUG | |||
Stability Augmentation (dt. etwa: Flug-Stabilisatoren) Die F-14 hat drei Flug-Stabilisatoren für Nicken, Rollen und Gieren. Weiterführende Informationen:
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SUTTO | |||
Start Up, Taxi, Take-off Primarily referred to the fuel required to start up, taxi and take-off from the airfield to a point at which the climb is established. It can also refer to the time taken to get from start to established in the climb. | |||