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LAI | |||
Lookout, Attitude, Instruments A method of maintaining a good Lookout whilst ensuring the aircraft maintain the desired altitude, heading and speed. LOOKOUT - This is completed in two stages, beginning with the Right hemisphere. Look as deep into your 5 o’clock as you can and scan fully up and down whilst progressing you Lookout back to the ahead. ATTITUDE - Whilst looking ahead assess you aircraft‘s attitude to the horizon. Ensure it remain where you desired. INSTRUMENTS - Check that this attitude is maintain your chosen flight path by checking the instruments:
See also: SHT for a method of correcting errors | |||
LASTE | |||
Low Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement (dt. etwa Zielhilfe und Tiefflugsicherheitssystem) Das LASTE beinhaltet u.a. die Autopilotensteuerung. Weiterführende Informationen:
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LATN | |||
LATN ist die Abkürzung für Low Altitude Tactical Navigation. | |||
Leonardo | |||
Italian aerospace and defence group (formerly Finmeccanica). See also: Leonardo_S.p.A (Wikipedia). | |||
LOI | |||
Limitation, Operation, Indication A method of ensuring aircraft limitations are not exceeded when changing aircraft configuration. LIMITATION - Before operating any control that will change the configuration of the aircraft like the Flaps, check that the aircraft is within the limitations for that configuration change. OPERTION - Select the new configuration. INDICATION - Check that the configuration change has been successful by the control indicator. E.g. If the Landing Gear speed limitation is 175 kts the process is:
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